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Americas Cup 2024 Barcelona

Witness the Grandeur: The Louis Vuitton 37th Americas Cup Barcelona

Official Opening Ceremony Marks a Milestone

Prepare for an Unforgettable Spectacle

Get ready to be captivated as Barcelona gears up to host the Louis Vuitton 37th Americas Cup, taking place from August 22 to October 27, 2024. The official opening ceremony will set the stage for an unforgettable sailing extravaganza.

A History Unfolding

The Americas Cup, the oldest sporting competition in the world, has chosen Barcelona as its prestigious host for the upcoming edition. The city's vibrant waterfront and world-renowned architecture will provide a spectacular backdrop for this historic event.

Countdown to the Opening Ceremony

With just 100 days to go, the excitement is palpable. The opening ceremony will herald the commencement of the highly anticipated races and showcase the magnificent AC75 racing yachts that will grace the waters of Barcelona.

Transforming the Cityscape

The Americas Cup has already begun to leave its mark on Barcelona. The city's skyline has been transformed by the construction of the Port Olímpic Sailing Stadium, which will serve as the competition venue.

An Experience of a Lifetime

The Louis Vuitton 37th Americas Cup Barcelona promises to be an unforgettable experience for spectators and participants alike. Mark your calendars and prepare to witness the pinnacle of sailing competition as Barcelona hosts the world's most prestigious yachting event.
